Japji Sahib An Interpretation by J.P. Vaswani Sikh Literature Spiritual English Book
Ref: B55
Literally, this book is a detailed Translation in English of Sikh Japji Sahib Scripture (written by first Sikh Guru Guru Nanak Ji) and author has given detailed explanations and examples to enlighten the meanings of Japji Sahib words. In Short, its a worthwhile book to have in someone's collection and to understand Japji Shaib.
Author: J.P. Vaswani
Language: Punjabi Gurmukhi (Indian Punjabi)
Pages: 535, Paperback
Edition 2017
Size: approx. 20cm x 13cm x 3.2cm
Weight: approx 384g
This is a paperback book titled "Japji Sahib - An Interpretation" by J.P. Vaswani, exploring Sikh literature and spirituality. The book, published in 2017 by Gita Publishing House in India, is in English and offers a comprehensive interpretation of the Japji Sahib. It has 535 pages and is suitable for young adults, ages 9-12, and adults interested in motivation and enlightenment.