Pandit Devi Dayal Jyotshi Jantari Nanakshahi SIKH 2025-26 CALENDAR Punjabi Hindu Festivals
Ref: B57_MD
Language - Punjabi (Gurmukhi)
Total Pages: 128, its a complete Jantari/Date Book/Patrika that contains all essentials of Year 2025-26.
* Auspicious Dates for Marriages/Wedding in New Year 2025-26
* Rashifals/Horoscope readings
* Dates
* To know financial loss/gains
* Future Forecast with planetary readings All festivals - Vrats , Sangrad, Ekadashi, Poornima/Punya, Masya/Amavasya, Dasami etc Desi Indian Months and new month beginning Shabads (Sangrad Waak/Words of Guru) This is a must have Sikh calendar.
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.